Uganda - Time to Return to America

Here are some final thoughts from the team as we depart.

"My home away  from home. That is what this place has become in my heart." - Isaac Smith

"The red dirt can be washed off my hands & and feet...the smell of burning charcoal and exhaust rinsed out of my hair...but the love and joy of the Ugandan people will forever be cherished in my heart."  - sherry L. smith

"This was my first time to Africa and entire experience was so much grander than my expectations!  What a blessing!"  -Debbie Rich

"Once again I am at the point of heartache.  Departure is always the hardest part of the trip.  But it is also the beginning of next years adventure back.  Already thinking about what God has in store next year.  Uganda you take more and more of my heart every year." Kimberly Toupin

"Though this is my first trip to Uganda, it feels like home. Each person I've met has become a part of my heart. The highlight of my journey has been visiting the jajas (grand mothers) and TAPP women (women living with HIV) and hearing their stories, their struggles, and seeing their courage. The family of Christ has welcomed me to Uganda, and I cannot wait to return for my next visit." -Christine Stittsworth

"I thought that when I came to Uganda again this year that things would somehow be different. Well things were not different.  My feelings and the need have not changed.  What I see in the faces of the pastors is the same  thing I saw last year - "NEED".  They are so hungry for anything that will help them serve their churches better.  The leadership lessons that I taught were soaked up like a sponge.  The look on their faces and the many questions that they asked us were evidence of pastors that were seeking knowledge.  I am glad to have been here and to have shared with these good people of God."   -    Ralph Barclay

"Many trips does not change the facts of life here in Uganda.  Hard by our standards, life is handled  with grace by people who are lovely in every way.  A part of me always stays behind every time I leave to return home. This has been a blessed experience!"  - Carl Gordon

"It has been seven years since we first came to Uganda to do mission work.  The first year we started by building the church at Matungu.  We visited the church this week and saw such a great improvement not only in the building but in the growth of the church and TAPP office and school.  I was extremely touched and some what emotional about the experience.  I could see my very dear friend, Larry Clark, looking down from heaven and grinning from ear to ear....I knew his heart was here.

     I was extremely blessed to be allowed to preach the very first message at our latest church build with CCC, at Kaleelee.  I was a little under the weather and stayed at the hotel for 2 days and without knowing I would preach, God laid on my heart to prepare a sermon.  Very appropriate, the first message, salvation, how and why to receive it.  We then had the first wedding at the church with Pastor Greg participating along with many baptisms that Ralph performed.  This was a very special day that God blessed so many and I will long remember.  The Stevensons are doing such great work here and God is continuing to bless their mission.  Continue to keep them, their staff and this country in your prayers...God is listening and answering.  Sad to leave but happy to return to our CCC family...God Bless." -Ray Toupin

"This year my project to work on was to design a two story stair way on the front outside of a church with a clear span of 23 feet and be built out of concrete.  Most of the forming is done and ready to pour the concrete.  Quite a challenge and I am looking forward to seeing the finished product. I was blessed to be able to work with the local contractor on this project and although they speak english it is borken and with an english accent mixed with their tribal language flair and that makes it very interesting."  Delbert Goertz

"This was my 3rd trip to Uganda.  Each time it is a real blessing.  Met so many nice people.  I really enjoy listening to the children singing.  Worked with Delbert a lot on the stairs. Also helped to install windows and doors at our new Church in Kaleele. Working with and listening to the Stevensons is awesome. They have so many great stories of how God is working in Africa. I feel so blessed and privileged to be able to come to Uganda and serve."  Scott Coon

Thanks, LORD, for the opportunity to come visit my friends and family in Uganda. Watch over them, guide them, and strengthen them in their ministry to this great people. - greg smith


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