Transitions - are always around the corner...

Entry in Prayer Journal, January 13, 2012: "...that I could lead effectively and honorably during this transition and beyond."

This particular entry reflected the challenges of yet another staff member leaving.  But what I didn't realize then, was the prophetic last part of the prayer request: "...and beyond."

Two-and-a-half months later, I would begin to understand that God had been preparing me for a greater transition: after 18 years of service, our Senior Pastor would resign.  As the Executive Pastor for our church, my role would both change and remain the same but all the more vital if the church was to weather the storm it faced.

This begins what I hope will be a series of blog posts regarding the critical approach and process of successful (and not-so successful) transitions.  I think the first lesson I learned is this:

Transitions are inevitable.

Like death and taxes, transitions, change, gain, and loss are going to be a large part of our lives as leaders, especially within the church.  And, why shouldn't it?  As those who are "in Christ", we are only sojourners on this rock, third from the sun. That is to say, this is not our home.  That our home is in heaven builds transition and change into our lives from the very beginning.

So, because the first lesson is that transitions are inevitable - they're going to happen - then how might we prepare for transitions?
  • Pray for it - that we're ready and that God is glorified in the process.
  • Expect it - because we've been praying for the transition, don't whine about it when it arrives.  Complaining doesn't help you lead, nor does it help others follow. 
  • Honor it - recognizing that God is not surprised in these times of transition, identify the transition as one He ordained. Let others know that God alone will be glorified in this transition process.
What transitions are looming for you? I don't know and you might not either. But, the One who does is waiting for you and I to trust Him to lead us into, through, and out of it -

"...and beyond."


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