Ode to my friend and brother, Randy Carey

"Randy passed away tonight."

That’s the first line of an email I didn’t want to read.

As I write this, I’m starting my first day of a 2 week mission in Uganda. My heart breaks that I’m unable to attend the celebration of his life, saying farewell, and comforting those that mean so much to my friend: his bride, his boys, his parents, family, and friends. But, God is not surprised. Somehow, in the complex sovereignty that only He can manage, I’m supposed to be here and not there.

Often, when I called him over the phone, Randy would answer in a falsetto “Helloo?”. I still answer the phone that way occasionally and bring a smile to the caller. He was my “brudda of anudda mudda” and we would remind ourselves of that nearly each time we would see each other. When he and I would sing together, I felt I could sing better just because it was us singing. Randy included me. He encouraged me to play guitar, sing, and lead. For more than a few years, when we were on the PEAK Worship team together, we were a team. Randy would lead the congregation and I would lead the band. It worked and God was glorified.

God used Randy to change my life. He was after me to go to Lost Valley Ranch for the annual men's retreat for a few years and I felt that it was weird, because of my travel schedule, that I should leave my family for a weekend to learn how to be a better husband, father, man. I finally gave in and went with him in 1999. Walt Hendrickson was speaking from the minor prophet Haggai and switched, in the Spirit, to discuss the fear of the LORD. God used that conversation to change my life. One could say that without Randy’s persistence, I wouldn’t be in ministry, now. Although I suspect that God would have found another way, I’m glad He chose Randy to make a difference in my life. Randy wanted the best from me for God and I wanted to give my best.

The more I thought about my conversation with his wife Rhonda last week, the more I realized that my time with Randy in September was the best I could have as a last time with him. My last few moments with him was in prayer. And, now, my friend and brother is with Jesus. He “is” with Jesus. These are the times we must remind ourselves of the reality of our faith and speak of those who've passed on in the present tense. Randy is no longer with us. He is with Jesus. Randy is safely home.

Safely Home by Jon Mohr

Children, precious children I Know you're shaken,
A loved one taken. Oh but hear me. Come, draw near me. Their pain is passed now. They rest at last now, safely home.
They are strong and free. They are safe with Me.
This life is nearly shadow. Today there's sorrow, but joy tomorrow. Safely home. Safely home.
One day you will join them, all together, this time forever, safely home. Safely home.

Randy, I love you, brother. Farewell. See you soon.


sherryLsmith said…
Beautiful tribute to a wonderful, godly man and friend. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, honey.
Emma Miller said…
Thank you Greg for sharing---and blessing me w/more beautiful memories--of those days--those blessings-- It's hard to say goodbye--but I am comforted knowing he is safely HOME!
Love you-- looking forward to seeing Sherry!

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