The Day

Lately, I've been reminded, again and again, about "the Day". This is the Day we meet Jesus face to face - no longer "through a poor reflection as in a mirror" but really face to face. At the judgment seat of Christ, all words and actions (including this post) will be laid bare before the King of Kings.
How does that thought grab you?
It has reminded me to return to the basic question: what am I doing with what God has given me?
I've written previously about being a man of God in what we do and how we do it. The last part of the definition of a man remains clear: expect the greater reward. For the work that remains after the fire of testing endured at judgment, we will be rewarded. The thoughts that captured our attention, the words we shared, and the actions of our wills all will either be disintegrated or refined.
Now, thinking of that moment, let's ask the next questions of priority:
What should take up our focus, time, and energy?
What is taking our focus, time, and energy but really won't matter on that Day?