What is the duty of a man?

I'm using a book called "Raising a Modern Day Knight" by Robert Lewis as a guide through this process. It's biblically founded and accordingly raises the standard beyond what cultural influences will dictate to us. In the book, the author begins by using Adam and Jesus as a model for understanding the purposes of God with regard to His chosen men. They each had:
- a will to obey,
- a work to do, and
- a woman to love.
For Adam, his duty was to obey God, work the garden and subdue and populate the world, and to love the woman at (and from) his side, Eve. For Christ, His duty was to obey God, seek and to save the lost, and love the church (even laying His life down for her). It's important that the order of this duty remain as it's written: God's will, His work, and His chosen woman. Adam got that wrong and put God's will behind Eve's invitation to eat the apple. Of course, Christ demonstrated His passion for obedience as He was approached by Satan and three times resisted some incredible temptation.
Ok. So we know what to do. The question remains: how do we do it? The author offers a model I hope to discuss in a future posting.
What do you think? How can the Bible be used to help parents raise kids to a higher standard?
Perhaps instead of the PEWS being covered with cloth they will now be filled with SOULS hungry for the love of GOD through JESUS CHRIST our LORD and SAVIOR.