Thoughts on Uganda...

If all goes as planned, and the Lord allows, six months from now I'll be in Uganda. Here are my thoughts on the matter...

1) When I was younger, I enjoyed travel. While I no longer look forward to it, I typically enjoy it once I get there. Sherry, the boys, and I traveled to Europe with my parents and sister a couple of years ago and I felt the same way. While I wanted to go visit my daughter and see her graduate from High School, I really didn't look forward to the trip itself. Of course, I enjoyed the trip and in some ways would have preferred staying. This Uganda trip is worse for me because my family isn't coming. I'll be without my bride and my boys for two weeks. Yikes!

2) While I can intellectually accept the notion that the trip will be life-changing and that I will have the privilege of forging life-long relationships with my teammates and with folks from a completely different culture, I have deep reservations about going. What else will be achieved? How will God be glorified? What will I leave undone here? For what is God preparing me and am I ready even for the preparation let alone the mission itself?

3) I have the opportunity to stay a week longer and lead a Pastor's Conference in Kenya for a dear friend and brother, Sammy Kaunga. Of it all, to my temperament, this seems like the most intriguing and tangible part of the trip. However, I need to work this out with my leadership and Sammy to ensure this is the right thing for me to do with regard to timing and priority.

While questions abound, answers remain elusive. Nonetheless, I'm thankful to God for the opportunity and will seek His guidance and presence in the journey.


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