A Will to obey...

The will we choose to obey reflects our loyalties. The measure of our obedience to God's will is in direct proportion to the measure of our loyalty to God. True men of God live and work under the monarchy of the King's rule. This King has no legislature nor judicial branch to keep Him in check because He requires none. His will is perfect, His purposes are pure, and He demonstrates His love and care for His subjects every day. His sovereignty is absolute.
The question for all of us is: does all of that really matter? Aren't we just supposed to be loyal to ourselves? Some call this being "true to yourself." Yikes. Back when I was true to myself, I was running away from God, not towards Him. According to the Bible, our true self isn't anything to write home about. No, without God through His Son Jesus in my life we remain our old self and not the new creation we're called to be. Being "loyal to ourselves" is against Jesus' own words when He says that His followers are to deny themselves even to the point of killing off who we were - every day.
So, does it matter to whom we are loyal? Yes - much in every way. The question of obeying a will begins with deciding which will it is that is to be obeyed.
Well, which one will it be? The one to whom you and I are loyal is the answer.