Sponsor a Child Today!
the Church of God's Children of Promise ministry (www.echildrenofpromise.org), you and I have the
opportunity to literally change lives through financial and spiritual means.
For just $32 per month (about a tank of gas in the US), you can sponsor a child and immediately
affect his or her life through schooling, clothing, food, and spiritual nourishment.
In addition, sponsoring a child means
establishing and developing a real relationship. Through
emails, letters, gifts, prayers, and personal visits on mission
trips, sponsors can play an invested role in a child's life that is so very
In addition to having our children, my bride and I have enjoyed the privilege of sponsoring children internationally.
But, what does it mean to "sponsor a child"?

this is not just for the child but also his or her family, too. When a child is
sponsored the ripple effect is dramatic.
We have
sponsors in our church who are individuals, couples, families, and small groups
and classes. All are welcome to team up for this important opportunity.
If you are not sponsoring a child - or would like to sponsor
another child - and you feel that God is giving you a nudge to change another
life, consider these two boys pictured here - John and Roger. They live in the slums of Kampala, Uganda, and I am committed to finding a sponsor for each of them.
If you are interested in sponsoring one of these two boys, please contact the church office (330-488-0366) or email us at
info@eastcantonchurch.org. We'll talk you through the process...
For other opportunities to change the lives of children, check out the Children of Promise website here.
Because of your obedience to the Lord's prompting, a
child's life may be changed - today!