Still struggling with an inner ear issue, I have experienced vertigo three times in the last 6 months. The most recent, just this past Sunday. Previously, others tried to describe this phenomena to me, but I really didn't understand until I went through it myself.
I've come to the conclusion that I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
When I experience vertigo, no matter how hard I try to "push through", I can't stop the room - the world - from spinning. Up is down, down is up, and all sides turn into themselves.
Someone else has to help me.
Depending on how bad it is, I need help to stand or to walk. I typically require medical attention. Simply put, I can't solve the problem on my own.
Spiritual Vertigo is something similar. It can describe a situation when what we formerly believed, and even experienced, is challenged somehow and we're left wondering, "what exactly do we believe?"
One moment we're sure of what we believe, then someone asks a question (or makes a provoking statement) that challenges us and we're left gasping for the spiritual breath we had just a moment before. It's a sure case of Spiritual Vertigo.
What is a Christ-follower to do? Here are some points that I hope are helpful.'s typically not a matter of knowledge but of "will".
If we believe what the Bible says is true, then we must give up our will in obedience to the One who died for each of us. And, just like the physical case of vertigo I describe above, in order for us to give up our will...
...Someone else has to help us.
St. Anselm said, "I do not seek to understand so that I might believe. I believe, so that I might understand." Knowledge has its place, but ultimately, all search for knowledge returns to the question of faith. Do we believe that what the Bible says about us and our creator is true? Do we believe that God loves us so much that He sent His only Son to die for us? Only when we, by the conviction, leading, and help of the Holy Spirit, have that matter firmly settled in our hearts will we be able to stand up to the disorientation of Spiritual Vertigo.
I've come to the conclusion that I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
When I experience vertigo, no matter how hard I try to "push through", I can't stop the room - the world - from spinning. Up is down, down is up, and all sides turn into themselves.

Depending on how bad it is, I need help to stand or to walk. I typically require medical attention. Simply put, I can't solve the problem on my own.
Spiritual Vertigo is something similar. It can describe a situation when what we formerly believed, and even experienced, is challenged somehow and we're left wondering, "what exactly do we believe?"
One moment we're sure of what we believe, then someone asks a question (or makes a provoking statement) that challenges us and we're left gasping for the spiritual breath we had just a moment before. It's a sure case of Spiritual Vertigo.
What is a Christ-follower to do? Here are some points that I hope are helpful.
- Take a chill pill. It's okay not to have all the answers. If you don't know, then say so. Then, promise to get back with them after you...
- Pray. God is never stumped for an answer. Period. Go to Him and ask as you...
- Investigate His Word. What does the Bible say about itself? Plenty. And, by the way, the Bible is true whether you or anyone else believes it. The Bible, specifically the New Testament, beyond all other ancient books, is the most authenticated ancient document. (For more information on this reality, read a book by F. F. Bruce, "The New Testament Documents: Are they reliable?" Dr. Bruce does a great job in this older book of helping us understand this important issue). Then, once equipped with the Bible's approach on the issue, you can...
- Consult the experts. There are few, if any, questions that haven't been asked in the past and most, if not all, have a reasonable answer. One place to start is the Apologetics website. This is a resource that can help you begin to answer your friend's question or, at least, point you in the right direction. In addition, do you have someone in your life - a pastor, leader, teacher - who has wrestled with these thornier issues and come out with a lasting faith in the veracity of God's Word? Seek wise counsel! Lastly, as you simply and diligently investigate the facts, you can prepare to...
- Return with an love! That's right. As we're guided by the Bible, we should "be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect" (1 Peter 3:15, emphasis mine). Respond gently with the answer your friend or acquaintance were (hopefully) honestly looking for - and be open for the next question they may have ready!'s typically not a matter of knowledge but of "will".
If we believe what the Bible says is true, then we must give up our will in obedience to the One who died for each of us. And, just like the physical case of vertigo I describe above, in order for us to give up our will...
...Someone else has to help us.
