Make room in front!

Let's pretend for a moment that you and I are on our way to see someone we both admire greatly. This person could be anyone, absolutely anyone in history - Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther, Martin Luther King, Jr., and so on. We've received our invitations, the time and date has been set, and we're really on our way.

How would we approach that event?

Would it be with excitement? Or, even muted anticipation? Would it be, instead, with a casual disregard? Once we arrived, would we seek a seat in the back? Or, would we get there early for a seat as close to the front as possible?

If we are followers of Christ, worshipers of the Most High God, then whenever we gather together in corporate worship, we have this opportunity.  We are not coming just for the music or the speaking - no matter how great (or not so great) they may be. Instead, we are coming to see and celebrate not a man like those in the example above, but the King of Kings and Lord of Lords: Jesus, the Messiah - Savior of the World!

This does not replace the day-to-day, moment-by-moment opportunities of worship in our thoughts, our words, and our actions as we serve others. But, coming together as the family of God, we set aside a specific time to celebrate Christ, commune together as His family, and seek Him through His Word (the Bible), and by His Spirit (the Holy Spirit). We pray to the Father, that through His Word and by His Spirit, He would make us more like His Son!

King David writes in Psalm 63:1, "O God, You are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for You, my body longs for You, in a dry and weary land where there is no water." This picture of physical - even painful - longing illustrates how much David desired to be with God. David continues in verse 2, "I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory."  Going to the temple and worshiping was important to David.

We at Central Community feel strongly that this is the privilege and opportunity we have every time we gather as the worshipers God has designated us to be.  Therefore, because we have a very large room to worship in, if a service is not at capacity, we close off back sections so that we can get close and in front to worship together. This simply carries forward our desire to prepare our hearts for worship as a community - His community.

So, when you see that a section in the back of our auditorium has been closed, instead of considering it as a boundary or limitation to worship, please consider it encouragement to move forward, gather close as the Body of Christ, and follow David's lead as we "earnestly seek" the One who calls us His children.  Then, as God deepens our relationship with Him, He will also call others to be a part of His family so that, one day, we won't be closing sections in the back, but opening them to make more room for those who will meet His Son for the first time - for eternity.

I believe that God is doing a mighty work in this City and I'm looking forward to seeing that work unfold in Central Community and all the churches who "earnestly seek" Him!


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