Why don't we hear these stories?

Read this article concerning the killing of Christians in Iraq. Why aren't we hearing more about this in the general American media? I did a search and, in addition to this article in the Christian Post, found references to this in Reuters, World Magazine, and an Asian internet news site. The only other American site was the Houston Chronicle. Even the Pakistan Daily references this tragedy. Why must I go out of the country to read about the slaughter of the church? The references in history regarding the criticality of Christ in the formation of this country is beyond contestation, yet we as a nation ignore the reality of His sovereignty. Abraham Lincoln was once quoted as saying "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." He, of course was quoting the Bible, of which he was a practiced student. Psalm 33:12 was his reference. In the Bible, however, the word "Lord" is capitalized as "LORD" signifying the reserved word, YHWH. Specifically, Abraham L...