Decision 2008

What's driving my decisions in this year's election?
  • A strong and effective military to make peace for this nation and the world.
  • Compassion for the innocent and downtrodden - this includes the unborn, the poor, the hurting, the disadvantaged, et al.
  • A balanced checkbook - federal, state, local.
  • Reverence and honor for the constitution of the United States. This document was and remains an agreement developed from leaders who were steeped in the Word of God and who bathed it in prayer. Any and all Supreme Court justices selected must be passionate about protecting the original integrity of this historic document.
  • Fair individual and corporate taxation. This encourages and rewards the hard work of every American while discouraging reliance on govermental largess.
  • Solid economic policies which encourage businesses to stay in the US while promoting stability in the marketplace.
  • Energy initiatives which create renewable alternatives and eliminate reliance on foreign energy providers.
  • And, ultimately, my love and fear of the Lord - the source of wisdom and knowledge.

What's driving your decision?


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