Be God's man!

I had a heart-wrenching conversation with a youth pastor yesterday. He had called because he was interested in the open position we have at our church and wanted more detail on the opportunity. When I asked why he was leaving...well, that's where the discussion took a completely different turn than either of us expected.

Frankly, the situation in which he has found himself is grim. As he described the scenario, it was clear that he was very much afraid. And, from a human perspective, there are many reasons to be afraid: uncertain finances, doubtful leadership, and swirling rumors that threaten to undermine the stability and unity of the body of believers of which he and his young family is a part. Looking at this as one would look at any other job, it makes no sense to remain at the church.

But! This is no ordinary job and he is no ordinary man. He is God's man! He is God's chosen instrument for such a time as this. When we as Christ followers strike out in faith along this journey on which Jesus is leading us, we operate under different principles - under different orders from headquarters. We are to keep our eyes focused on God as we look beyond our circumstances and into the face of the author and finisher of our faith.

Are you at such a crossroads - struggling with a difficult decision? Are you distracted by fear, uncertainty, and doubt? Here is a summary of what we discussed yesterday. I hope that it proves helpful to you.

Is fear driving your decisions? Do not let earthly fear have anything to do with your life. Reserve your fear for God alone. God is looking to the followers of His Son Jesus to be the men and women He can depend on – as husbands, fathers, wives, mothers, and leaders in His church. Before you make any decision, determine your options and ensure they are first and foremost God’s options. Whatever decision is made, make certain it gives God the MOST glory possible. As you prayerfully approach the situation you find yourself in, consider the following:
  • Point everyone around you to Christ. Focus on Him and NOT the circumstances and associated fears. Let there be no gossip or no stinking thinking (Phil. 4:8). Let your words be words of encouragement.
  • Increase your sensitivity and resistance to your fears and others’ fears so that you ALL reserve your fear for God rather than the unknown – because nothing is unknown to Him.
  • Figure out which options give the MOST glory to God and ensure others (especially the leadership around and above you) fully grasp what is at stake. Statistics show that many students are leaving church at 18 and leaving their parents’ faith behind them – often never to return. These youth need men and women of God to stand in the gap for them and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ, teach what it means to be a fully devoted follower of Christ, love them, and hold them accountable to the commitments they make. What these students DON'T need are leaders who escape when it gets tough.
  • God used the elders and other leaders to bring you to be the leader required for the job. In other words, you're there for a reason. Make sure God's purpose is fulfilled.
  • Furthermore, God has called the elders to care for the called (that’s you). This includes provision for your economic requirements. Hold them to this - in love.
  • Whether you stay or leave your actions should be the same: whatever you do whether in word or deed, do it all for the glory of God the Father and the Lord Jesus. Let them see in you a man resolute to glorify God – even in the midst of man-made chaos..even in the face of disappointment and rejection.
  • Be Faithful. No matter what, be faithful.
I look forward to hearing back from this young man and am praying for him, his family, and his leadership that God may be glorified in what happens next.


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