God is moving His people
Wow. I wrote previously that change was coming. Little did I know that it would be so soon and so much. Within a few weeks of each other, two Senior Staff members have made the difficult decision to follow God’s leading to pastoral positions outside Central Community Church. They are Pastor Tim Kraft and Pastor Greg Capsel.
After a series of conversations with Pastor Tim Kraft concerning his spiritual gifts and passions in ministry, he has made the decision to resign from Central Community Church and begin pursuing a role as a Senior Pastor. Having known Tim for many years, I know how he loves to preach, teach and to shepherd God’s people and I’m excited for what God will continue to do through Tim and Sherril as they show us all what it means to step out in faith. He has been a blessing to me and the rest of the team at Central as he has helped kick-start Celebrate Recovery (CR) and the Volunteer Success program while continuing to build the First Touch Ministries. While I am sad to see him leave the team, I am thankful for God’s leading and for His recognition of Tim’s heart’s desire to focus on leading and growing a congregation of His children.
For the last few months, Pastor Greg Capsel and his family have been praying about an opportunity to which they strongly feel God leading them. Therefore, also on July 5th, Pastor Greg will close out his tenure here at Central and start a new chapter in the book God’s writing on his behalf at a church in his home state of Michigan. He leaves knowing that it is because God is calling him to fulfill the gifts He has given Greg to pastor a local congregation once again. The people at Central have been instrumental in shaping Greg for his next assignment in the Lord’s service through his leadership over Singles ministry when he first arrived, to leadership of Iron Men, Small Groups, and Sunday School as he departs. God has done great things through Greg here at Central and I look forward to hearing what God continues to do through Greg and his family there in Michigan. As I lament his departure, I also rejoice with him as God leads, directs, shapes, and emboldens Greg to lead this new church family.

I pray for God to continue to hold close these precious ones (Greg, Melody, Andy, and Tory - and Tim and Sherril) as they navigate the whitewaters of this awesome and important transition.