Transitions - Watch the Ambition

Prayer Journal, May 23, 2012 - "Clear thoughts - no self-ambition. Only God-ambition".

Early on in the transition, I realized that God was working dramatically, not only in our congregation, but also in His development of me as a leader.  Much was going to change within the church, staff, and leadership - much had to change! - and many of our former roles would not be the same.  Ever.

So, I was prompted to pray that my thoughts reflected an ambition for what God had in store for us and not what we were ambitious to accomplish of and for ourselves.
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Philippians 2:3
Looking back over the graveyard of destroyed churches, I wonder if "selfish ambition" played a part in most, if not all, of the carnage. Starting innocently enough, as passionate church members authentically and lovingly encourage a leader, it is how the leader receives that encouragement which matters as much as the motive of the one offering it.

Taking on the larger role of senior leader (or Interim Senior Pastor, as some referred to me), I welcomed those kind words of encouragement yet sought this prayer to guard against my own God-given desires, strengths and "giftings" turning against the leadership - and timing! - of what God was leading me and the church through.

As the year progressed, an increasing  number of our church members would ask me (and each other), "Why are we looking for a senior pastor?  He's right here leading us already!"  Through God's leading me in prayer and study, I felt strongly that God was preparing me to be a Sr. Pastor.  The question that remained open to me was whether it would be where He had me leading at this time.

The Pastor Search Team asked me to candidate, gathered answers from me in written form and in personal interviews, and eventually decided that they felt God was leading them to choose another. All during this time, I went back to that prayer again and again.  "No self-ambition. Only God-ambition."

I took great comfort - and still do - from the example set by John the Baptizer.  He had his own disciples. People came from miles around to listen to him and be baptized by him.  Yet, when Jesus arrived into His earthly ministry, John responded with: "He must become greater. I must become less." (John 3:30)

For the Christ-follower, and especially each God-called leader in His church, this must be a daily prayer:

"May my life reflect this truth today: Jesus is the greatest - and today I must become less."

No transition will be God-honoring without it.  No life would be complete, either.


jenny said…
I am encouraged!

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