Transitions - The Ripple Effect, More Departures

Prayer Journal Entries July 3, 2012: "Help us cope with [another] departure." July 5, 2012: "Comfort for the congregation during this time of transition." Like the ripples in a pond after a stone is tossed in, a big change brings other changes. When the Sr. Pastor resigned, I had already scheduled a trip to Africa and a vacation for the month of June. While it was difficult to leave the church during this time, I had to realize that this wasn't my church but Christ's church, His bride. I remain only a steward. So, on June 30th, our team, the first team to go in 2012, returned safely. It was great to be back in the fellowship again on that next day, a Sunday, celebrating Christ, and thanking Him for a great trip, another church built, and for so many stories to share with our church family. It was the day after, a Monday, when the reality of another leadership lesson would shake me (briefly) out of the fog of jet-lag. After 11 years of faithful...