Yo, Child of God! Be encouraged!

A fellow Christ-follower wrote me recently: I don't feel blessed. So many things in my life are not the way I envisioned them. Am I hurt? Angry? Envious? Feeling like God has abandoned me? That I'm not good enough? That I'm not a good enough person? That I'm not blessed? When I became a Christ follower, my life changed for the better. But I fail so often to be the person I think God wants me to be. I've failed so often to do the right thing. I thought I knew that God loves us unconditionally, but I don't think I know that now. I look at all the things I think are wrong with my life and I feel like I'm being punished and that I deserve that. I don't see that my life is much different than others I know who have family, friends, jobs, etc and aren't Christians. So why do I do this "Christian thing"? What am I missing here? Perhaps you've felt the same way - you look around you and see the outside of folks' liv...