
This last Sunday, I announced my resignation from Central Community Church as Executive Pastor. My last Sunday will be on December 8, but my official last day on staff will be November 30.

For the last several months, Pastor Bob (our Senior Pastor) and I have been working closely to transition him into the call that God has placed upon his life.  Now, we both agree that it's time for me (and the family) to step out in faith toward the calling that God has placed upon me: to Preach, Teach, and Lead. Within hours - seriously, hours - of that decision, God began opening doors that were previously closed or unknown.  Preliminary conversations began that continue weeks later.

What comes next, I don't know.  But this I do: forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:13-14). 

But, isn't each day supposed to be that way?

I'm praying for the churches that I'm speaking with - not that I get to be one of those churches' Senior Pastor, but that whoever God has already set apart for that privilege will be placed alongside a church that is more than ready to head out into the field ready for harvest.  For me and my family, I want to be where we get to use our skills, experience, gifts, and passions to make history in and for the Kingdom.

Stay tuned...


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