A Biblical Team?

What Scriptural principles can be applied to teams? Here are some thoughts... The leader must get to know the followers. This undeniably important process takes time, energy, and focus. In the corporate space, this was called MBWA (Management By Wandering Around). Here in the church we call it Ministry of Presence. Just being there in the team working, listening, laughing, and sharing. The team members must get to know the leader. While this is not universally held as a leadership principle, in my experience (and by the Scriptures) it is a critical step in the building of the team that team members easily dismiss due to a variety of reasons. The disciples wanted to know Jesus and therefore sought Him in order to do so. We should do the same, obviously, as Christ's disciples, in getting to know the Savior, but we should also do the same to get to know those whom He has placed over us in authority. The better we know each other the more open we can be about what needs to be accompl...