
On my run this morning, I was reminded (again) that I haven't written on this blog for a while. Actually, this kind brother in Christ, with whom I had stopped to chat, simply said that he had read my blog this morning. I took it as another one of God's reminders that I need to write. It's good for me and I hope my readers enjoy it, as well.

Let's talk filters. Did you know that we perceive through a set of filters driven by our expectations? And, that these expectations are situational? A hearing-impaired woman told me a story yesterday of such an experience. She was with other hearing-impaired and deaf people and saw a man who was both blind and deaf. He had been born able to see and hear, but two brain tumors robbed him of both sight and hearing. At first, because of how the tumors left him, his appearance seemed disconcerting at best. However, this woman felt strongly that she should to meet him. And, plucking up her courage, she introduced herself (this is, in itself, an amazing thing!) and had, by signing in his hands, a wonderful conversation with a fellow brother in Christ who has now become her friend.

How many of us have missed out on blessings such as this one simply because, on a first impression, we made the wrong decision? This malady gums up the works of our relationships and ultimately robs us of the joy God has planned for us.

How are you and I filtering what we see? With an expectation of fear, distrust, and caution? Or, like the woman who literally reached out to another, are we approaching life with guarded optimism? And, what is guarded optimism really if not trust in the promises of God? He will never forsake you, nor leave you. (Dt. 31:8) Or, Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. (Heb. 31:2) What blessings will we reap today because we purposely viewed others through the eyes of Christ?


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