How do you read the Bible?

How do you read the Bible?

I know, left-to-right, top-to-bottom, page by page. Ha-ha. No, seriously. How we perceive any source of information dramatically shapes how we receive the information. For example, if I'm reading a tabloid magazine or one of those forwarded internet stories, I'm going to question the truth of the story until I have confirmation from a separate source (another publication or a place like On the other hand, if I have grown to trust a newspaper and/or magazine or author, I may believe the story a little more readily before I look for outside confirmation. Get it?

So, how do you read the Bible? I hope this description of an approach I've come to might help you provide your own answer.

First, I believe that the Bible is true. Therefore, when I study the Bible, I open my eyes, ears, and mind to the Bible giving it every measure of the “benefit of the doubt.” If there is something that seems amiss, then my first assumption is that I don’t have a clear understanding and need to dig a little further. My assumption is never that it’s wrong. There is a quote from St. Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109AD), "I do not seek to understand in order that I may believe, but I believe in order to understand." So, my faith comes first in order that I might understand. Unfortunately, some (if not most) studiers of God’s Word, have it the other way round and trip up when they can’t understand and run the serious risk of losing it all.

I believe that Scripture interprets Scripture. This means two things to me. One, that from Genesis to Revelation, the same author (the Holy Spirit) wrote all the Scripture through over 40 human authors. This means that it should all match and I can go to other Scripture to help me understand a specific Scripture in my current study. Two, that same Holy Spirit is within me (and any Christ follower) and He is available to me, by faith, so that I might understand what He wrote and how it might apply in my life.

Lastly, I believe that there are concepts in the Bible that are out of my earthly reach. Dt. 29:29 says that “The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.” In addition to its specific message to the people of Israel, this verse also tells me that if I don’t fully understand something from God’s Word, I can trust Him who does understand it to reveal it to me in His timing – on either side of eternity.

So, how do you read the Bible?


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