Innovate 09!

At Innovate, I observed the following (some new, some old lessons):
- Every morning, my feet must hit the ground running toward Christ, His calling, and purpose (personally and professionally) - and away from self!
- Each day I must review the mission, purpose, and vision for myself - and the church. This implies, of course, that these exist for myself and the church.
- Within that framework, my day must be so ordered.
- Task cannot always trump people.
- My personal holiness impacts me, my family, and the church.
- I should care more for the effectiveness of what we do than whether we make mistakes or complaints are generated.
- Jesus should be on my mind - always.
- Change generates momentum.
- Staff are hired to lead others and build teams.
- Image consultants outside the church can help us remain outward-focused.
- Do we demonstrate ourselves to be a covenant community?
- What God-sized dream to I have? Better yet, what God-sized dream has He given me?
- The most "unchurched" community is the rural community. Therefore, how can we/I help the rural community in Kansas?
- Have a red-hot marriage because my marriage represents the salvation from Christ to His church.
- A church's size doesn't matter. A church's seismic waves it generates that matter - and these waves ONLY come from God.
- Take care to communicate rightly to those outside the church.
- Who gives a rip if ideas are original or recycled? Those whose lives are being changed do not care!
- If veterans (devoted Christ-followers) complain about change, remind them that, at any given moment, the church is one generation away from extinction.
- Use art wisely to educate, entertain, and to create buzz and tension to lower the walls of resistance to God's Word.
There are probably more, but these were the ones that stuck.
I'm so thankful that God made a way for me to go. I was feeling a little dry...