What's the mission and vision of our church?

As we think through the filter of strategies, goals, and tactics required of us as leaders in the church, we are reminded that we already have a mission and vision for this church - and that we can and should use this foundation to form strategies to accomplish what we can to God's glory.  So that we remain aware of the simplicity of what God has called us to do here at Central, here is a summary of our vision and mission.

What's the vision?

To become a biblically functioning community of believers so that the purposes of Christ can be accomplished in the greater Wichita area and the world.  

What are the purposes of Christ for our church?
  • Exalt God in biblically aligned worship
  • Evangelize the lost
  • Encourage God's family
  • Educate the believer for maturity through discipleship
  • Equip the church for ministry and service to others
What's our mission?  Changing lives: turning uncommitted people into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

What's a fully devoted follower?  A fully devoted follower is one who practices these five habits with a balanced approach:
  • Experiences and shares God's Grace
  • Grows into the likeness of Christ
  • Commits to a small Group
  • Discovers and uses his or her own Spiritual Gifts
  • Gives back to the kingdom in tithes and offerings
This has been in place for years, yet we don't hear/read/discuss enough of it.

What do you think?  How should plans and results align with this vision and mission?


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