Farewell, Jack!

Over the years, I have had the privilege of a nearly 30-year relationship with a dear friend of our family who Sherry and I met early on in our marriage.  Jack White, and his wife Nadine, spiritually adopted us as their kids soon after we married and moved to San Jose, California. Jack owned a business that provided industrial sandpaper and other abrasives. The business was aptly named Abrasive Supply with it’s motto: “It’s a rough old world without Abrasive Supply”.

We met Jack and Nadine at the church we began attending, Valley Community Church. Jack was the lay-leader of the congregation along with the choir director, worship leader, and Sunday School teacher.  He and Nadine often invited us over to their home for dinner or movies or just hanging out by their pool. Their kids were older than us and had started families. But of course, they also welcomed us as part of the family.

Even though we lived in San Jose for just less than two years, that time was all it took for us to continue the relationship long afterwards. We (i.e., Sherry and Nadine) would each remember most birthdays and anniversaries along with Christmas, too. When Sherry and I visited in California, we would be sure to stay with them.  And, they even visited us in Bloomington, Illinois, though Nadine really did NOT like to fly.

Why am I bringing this up? Because on August 30th, Jack passed away - on his 83rd birthday, no less - after a brief illness.

Jack taught us so much by both word and action. Be generous. Be kind. Have thoughtful opinions and don’t be afraid to express them.  With one of his famous sayings, “being a Christian doesn’t mean leaving your brain behind”, he encouraged us to think through our faith - to be challenged by our faith and live it out.

He dug into the Word and was not afraid to demonstrate it and discuss with others what God had been teaching him - again, especially when it came to being generous. He and Nadine were so generous with their resources and their time. They were such great role models in this way and I remain challenged by their example.

When Nadine passed away in 2010, Jack continued to show us how to "finish strong". Even though he and Nadine had been married nearly 60 years, he would not let grief rob him of a continued full life. He continued serving the Lord. He traveled. He took up photography. He visited us in our Kansas home and attended our son Cameron’s graduation from the Air Force Academy and wedding. He had been considering a visit this year or next to our home here in Ohio.

I think his passing hit me harder than I expected because I realized all too late that I missed so many opportunities to learn from Jack over these recent years - seek his wisdom, receive his encouragement, and encourage him in return.

So, I urge you to do what I didn’t but will begin to now. Reach out to those in your life who are either finishing strong or seek to do so. Share the Scriptures. Seek God’s wisdom. "Encourage each other all the more as you see the Day approaching!” Together!

“...let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Hebrews 10:24-25


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