
Showing posts from 2017

Farewell, Jack!

Over the years, I have had the privilege of a nearly 30-year relationship with a dear friend of our family who Sherry and I met early on in our marriage.  Jack White, and his wife Nadine, spiritually adopted us as their kids soon after we married and moved to San Jose, California. Jack owned a business that provided industrial sandpaper and other abrasives. The business was aptly named Abrasive Supply with it’s motto: “It’s a rough old world without Abrasive Supply”. We met Jack and Nadine at the church we began attending, Valley Community Church. Jack was the lay-leader of the congregation along with the choir director, worship leader, and Sunday School teacher.  He and Nadine often invited us over to their home for dinner or movies or just hanging out by their pool. Their kids were older than us and had started families. But of course, they also welcomed us as part of the family. Even...