What do you want?

Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, "What do you want?" John 1:38a One of the most important questions we can answer as Christ's disciples is the one He asked His first disciples, "What do you want?" Have you ever thought about the question? Have you ever thought about your answer? Responding spiritually, we might answer that we want heaven. Or, to bear spiritual fruit like peace, joy, or self-control! But if pressed, we might answer that we just want our kids to get along or for the ability to have children. Or, for our bosses to lighten up a little and extend some grace - maybe even a job that pays the bills. Or, for a loving wife or husband. Or, to have a friend that will love us no matter what. Or, for a loved one to be healed from cancer or another debilitating (or fatal) disease. All of these answers, if honest, are real and Christ knows them already for He knows our hearts . So, how did His disciples answer the questio...