
Showing posts from January, 2014

What do you want?

Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, "What do you want?" John 1:38a One of the most important questions we can answer as Christ's disciples is the one He asked His first disciples, "What do you want?" Have you ever thought about the question? Have you ever thought about your answer? Responding spiritually, we might answer that we want heaven. Or, to bear spiritual fruit like peace, joy, or self-control! But if pressed, we might answer that we just want our kids to get along or for the ability to have children.  Or, for our bosses to lighten up a little and extend some grace - maybe even a job that pays the bills.  Or, for a loving wife or husband. Or, to have a friend that will love us no matter what.  Or, for a loved one to be healed from cancer or another debilitating (or fatal) disease. All of these answers, if honest, are real and Christ knows them already for He knows our hearts . So, how did His disciples answer the questio...

Transitions - Watch the Ambition

Prayer Journal, May 23, 2012 - "Clear thoughts - no self-ambition. Only God-ambition". Early on in the transition, I realized that God was working dramatically, not only in our congregation, but also in His development of me as a leader.  Much was going to change within the church, staff, and leadership - much had to change! - and many of our former roles would not be the same.  Ever. So, I was prompted to pray that my thoughts reflected an ambition for what God had in store for us and not what we were ambitious to accomplish of and for ourselves. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Philippians 2:3 Looking back over the graveyard of destroyed churches, I wonder if "selfish ambition" played a part in most, if not all, of the carnage. Starting innocently enough, as passionate church members authentically and lovingly encourage a leader, it is how the leader receives that encouragement wh...

Transitions - The Open Door Is The One You Walk Through.

Prayer Journal: 8-9-12. Thank You for the staff who've been bold in their concerns regarding morale and order. When I returned back from Uganda in July of 2012, the directors and pastors began studying a book: FISH! A Proven Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results. Don't let the marketing title fool you.  Although, it is a very helpful book, there is a lot required to take action upon it.  And, it's not easy. For some time, staff morale had been less than positive on the whole.  As this transition began, I felt strongly that we had to do something about it.  Ignoring it would not make it go away.  So, as we read this book together, an idea developed that would be both difficult and refreshing. We assigned two of our administrative team to gather the staff in teams of 4-8 and guide them in a conversation of "What are the strengths and needed areas of growth here on staff at Central?".  The teams were purposely mixed across the ministries and offered...

Renew your strength!

As I read the following devotional this morning, I was reminded (again!) of the importance of remaining connected to the vine of God through prayer, the feeding upon Scripture, fellowship, and corporate worship. Although I know intimately the benefits of doing so , the most difficult to accomplish consistently is the first two.  I hope that this devotional written long ago helps you today as it has helped me. All things on earth need to be renewed. No created thing continues by itself. "You renew the face of the ground," was the psalmist's utterance. (Ps. 104:30) Even the trees, which wear not themselves with care, nor shorten their lives with labor, must drink of the rain of heaven and draw from the hidden treasures of the soil. The cedars of Lebanon, which God has planted, only live because day by day they are full of sap freshly drawn from the earth. Neither can man's life be sustained without renewal from God. As it is necessary to repair the body by the ...