
Showing posts from December, 2010

Time to plan

God has wired me to work. So, while I have a day each week to be away from the office, I still work. He works my mind and heart to be better aligned with Him. I catch up from the previous weeks and dig out of email (and voicemail) jail. But I also try to plan. Planning for the future is important - but while that is true, I must also realize that the plans I make are all under the complex sovereignty of God. He reminds us in His Word that His purpose prevails over our plans ( Prov. 19:21 ). What am I left with then? I must commit my plans to Him first, then they will succeed ( Prov. 16:3 ). Without that caveat in our planning, we're whistling past the graveyard, ignoring our ends ( Heb. 9:27 ) and, more importantly, ignoring the power and will of the Most High God. Given that all is up for change - my personal vision, mission, strategy, etc. - this will take a while. And, that's a good thing. In this approach, I can be more assured that I'm not getting ahead (or going sidew...

Rest in Peace, Grandpa

On Friday, November 26, 2010, Richard "Dick" Buehler, Sherry's Grandpa, passed on to his eternity with Jesus. I met him soon after I began dating Sherry, my bride. And, over 23 years later, I've learned a lot from him. Here are just a few observations: Grandpa loved. This was not the emotional, sappy, temporary kind of love that our common culture seems to advocate. In his generation, love was a "many splendored thing". In mine, it was a battlefield. But, the love I'm describing is God's love, the love Christ commanded us to have toward one another ( John 13:34-35 ). This love was the one Jesus described as none greater (that a man would lay down his own life for another - John 15:13 ). A love that was patient, kind - not rude, envious, boastful, or proud. This love delighted in the truth, not evil, keeping no record of wrongs. This kind of love always trusts, hopes, perseveres, and protects. This love never fails . He demonstrated that love for his ...