Ode to my friend and brother, Randy Carey

" Randy passed away tonight." That’s the first line of an email I didn’t want to read. As I write this, I’m starting my first day of a 2 week mission in Uganda. My heart breaks that I’m unable to attend the celebration of his life, saying farewell, and comforting those that mean so much to my friend: his bride, his boys, his parents, family, and friends. But, God is not surprised. Somehow, in the complex sovereignty that only He can manage, I’m supposed to be here and not there. Often, when I called him over the phone, Randy would answer in a falsetto “Helloo?”. I still answer the phone that way occasionally and bring a smile to the caller. He was my “brudda of anudda mudda” and we would remind ourselves of that nearly each time we would see each other. When he and I would sing together, I felt I could sing better just because it was us singing. Randy included me. He encouraged me to play guitar, sing, and lead. For more than a few years, when we were on the PEAK Worship t...