The Valley of Vision

In the book of Puritan Prayers, the last entry is entitled, "Valley of Vision". As I read the prayer, I was reminded of the last several months and how God has used low times in my life to see Him differently - bigger, grander, more beautiful, and somehow more ominous, also. Not that He doesn't have those attributes all the time, but that I fail to notice them. I believe that great things are coming. What those are, I don't know, but I feel them nonetheless - pressing, enveloping, warming, enticing. It's as if God is saying from behind the door as we wait in His waiting room, "What awaits is beyond your wildest imaginations. So, be the child I've called you to be: obedient, willing, eager, patient, humble, and loving. Above all, trust Me." Lord, high and holy, meek and lowly, You have brought me to the valley of vision, where I live in the depths but see You in the heights; hemmed in by mountains of sin I behold Your glory. Let me learn by ...