Change happens

In May, our Senior Pastor resigned after 18 years of serving at Central. This last week, our Pastor of Music and Worship Arts announced after serving 11 years that God had called him to serve in another church, in a different state. I think many of us would go on record stating: "Enough change, already!" Many have, amid these announcements, approached me to ask whether I'm "going anywhere". The short answer is that God has called us right here to help lead the church through this time of transition. When God brought us here nearly five years ago, we had no idea that this transition would be a part of God's call. However, since then I've learned that while God doesn't always call the equipped, He always equips the called. Of course, the shorter answer is: change happens. And, when it does, we set our anchors not in any leader or person but in the solid and eternal foundation of Christ Jesus Himself to hold us firm in the storm of uncertain...