Our federal government...

Here's some sobering information from a site that shares analysis on government revenue and debt. US Federal Revenue 2008 Total: $2.524T ($1.45T Income Taxes) 2009 Total: $2.105T ($1.04T Income Taxes) US Federal Yearly Deficit (more than 3x increase!) 2008 Total: $459B 2009 Total: $1.41T Ok, so here's the point. There are some very hard times coming where we will have to make some difficult decisions as a nation. Not to be over-simplistic, but when the revenue falls, each of us as families must take a hard look at what we can cut out of our expenses to stop or slow "the bleeding". For a time, we might have to take on additional debt to get past a season of reduced revenue. But, the government seems to avoid these "third rails" of politics and, as a result, we're passing them down to our children and their children. Looking at the expenses , there are no easy answers. Assuming there are inefficiencies (probably not an assumption) in the expenses, even 10...